More and more homeowners are converting their old fireplaces to gas or installing gas-burning inserts. While they love the look and feel of a wood burning fireplace, some of the costs and maintenance become a turn off. Gas logs give them a viable option to continue to enjoy the atmosphere of a fireplace without many of the negatives associated with wood burning fireplaces. Here are just a few of the benefits of using gas logs over natural wood as a fireplace option.

Mad Hatter Indy - Gas logs are popular

  • More Cost Effective – Having a fireplace cleaned from the burning of wood can be very expensive. While a gas-burning chimney should still be cleaned, it is far less involved. There will also no longer be the need to either waste time cutting down wood or paying for wood.
  • Safer – while a natural fire is beautiful, it can also be dangerous. Embers can come off the fire and come back into the room or up and out of the flue to cause an external fire. This simply does not happen with gas logs. Gas logs also create considerably less creosote buildup in the flue, which can be extremely flammable if left to accumulate for too long.
  • Easier – there is no longer the problem of having to build the fire before you can enjoy it. No more frustrations in finding out you accidentally picked up a piece of damp wood that cannot be lit. Simply turn on the switch and you have a fire.
  • More Eco-Friendly – gas burns cleaner, so you are not releasing more harmful greenhouse gases into the environment from burning wood.
  • More Efficient – Per BTU, gas is much more efficient than wood in terms of heating. Gas logs will also outlast their wood counterparts significantly, allowing you to enjoy your gas logs much longer than burning wood logs.