Today, consumers don’t only choose flights, hotels, restaurants, and tourist destinations based on reviews. Nowadays, consumers check reviews before making any purchase, big or small. There are options, and you want to choose the best option. In Indianapolis alone there is more than one company advertising chimney maintenance. We know we’re the best, and our customers know we’re the best, but prospective customers don’t! This is why we love reviews at The Mad Hatter. We want our community to know we’re doing a good job, we want to draw new business, and we want to know where we’re lacking.
Honest Customer Reviews
When we’ve done a job, good or bad, a review helps us to gauge our work and professionalism. We aren’t looking for sparkling reviews every time. Why? Well, because our customers are very different, and individuals have varying perspectives. An honest account of the process is always a great way to leave a review, because we strive to walk our customers through comprehensive chimney care, start to finish!
The Problem With the Perfect or Horrible Review
We love to get great reviews, if they come with some input about what made your experience so great. Getting five stars won’t help our technicians or our prospective customers, unless it’s accompanied with some explanation. The same is true for the one-star review. Both the technicians and managing body of our company can see the poor score, but may not know why. Without some explanation about the low score, we cannot improve.
Why Reviews (Even Negative Ones) are Necessary
The technician in the field has the most interaction with the customer. He or she can tell if the homeowner is stressed or unhappy during the appointment. At the end of the appointment, the technician can have a conversation with the homeowner and shake their hand, look them in the eye. The business owner doesn’t always get this opportunity. Depending on the busyness of the season, the owner may not get out to the field for jobs. Reviews offer an opportunity for the business owners to see the results!
A positive overall review may indicate that a homeowner is pleased, but mention in the account something that could’ve gone better. A negative review may mention one thing that affected the review, and the company will know this aspect of the appointment needs focus. Business owners welcome reviews because it gives us an opportunity to be better for our customers.
In this business, we strive to keep homeowners in our community safe and warm. This is important to us, so we welcome reviews that can help us do that.
Where to Leave Your Mad Hatter Review
When you leave reviews for The Mad Hatter, services like Angie’s List combine the ratings to give the company an overall grade. Thanks to customer reviews, The Mad Hatter received the Angie’s List Super Service Award in both 2011 and 2012!
We want to continue to offer superior service for all the homeowners with chimneys, and dryer vents in Indianapolis. Better service means safer homes. Leave us a review for a past service, or schedule a new service with us to keep you safe this winter. Call 317.596.0200 today!