We Can Fix Your Leaky Chimney

We Can Fix Your Leaky Chimney

If you own a home with a masonry chimney, you most likely have noticed that the weather can have adverse effects on the brick and mortar work. The freezing temperatures of winter lead to the spalling of masonry materials, which can eventually cause the complete...

How to Avoid Animals in Your Chimney

Unfortunately, many people do not realize that you can end up with animals in your chimney until they find something living in theirs. In fact, having animals set up their homes inside of the chimney is a rather common problem. Although it occurs quite easily, it is...

Chimney Swifts and their Removal

Chimney swifts have been protected by federal law since 1918 with the passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Interestingly, since they migrate over the Canadian border, they were first covered by a treaty between the United States and Britain. Part of the...

Chimney Caps and Their Replacement

So small and seemingly inconsequential, chimney caps are more than just icing on a cake, performing a critical function. No more a merely decorative detail than the roof on a house, the chimney cap is what protects the chimney. Somehow, that often gets forgotten when...