Get Your Chimney Swept Before The Fall

The most important maintenance task to ensure fireplace safety, chimney sweeping should be done at least once a year. According to The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), and other fire safety organizations, an...

Annual Chimney Inspections

Spring is the perfect time to get your chimney in tip-top condition for the fall. When the last of winter’s fires is out, no new combustibles are going up the flue and no new creosote is forming. So far, so good! Now it is time to remove the creosote that is already...

Chimney Caps and Their Replacement

So small and seemingly inconsequential, chimney caps are more than just icing on a cake, performing a critical function. No more a merely decorative detail than the roof on a house, the chimney cap is what protects the chimney. Somehow, that often gets forgotten when...

What’s the Cause of Your Smelly Chimney?

It is finally time to fire up the chimney for a nice romantic night at home with your significant other. The setting is perfect, except as soon as the fire starts to burn, an awful odor enters the room through the fireplace. In just a few moments, the entire home is...